One on One  & Small Group Instruction

401-441-5517   email:    

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I am available for individual or small group ( 4 or less) classes on a variety of subjects. I have helped folks with their new digital cameras, and taken others on nature walks and "street" shoots. I am well versed in portraiture, landscape photography and shooting in low light. I also can help you with Adobe Lightroom and/or Photoshop. A long list of my students can attest to One on One and Small Group  learning as a great way to get on track quickly. Have all of your questions answered on camera specific issues and learn to take better pictures with me.  Each session is two and one half hours. The fee is $65 for a one on one, $55 each if you come with a friend, and $45 each for a group of 3 or 4 participants. Call me at 783-8232 to schedule a learning session.  


Comments from students here:



I just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful class. My knowledge, understanding, confidence and enthusiasm for photography has grown leaps and bounds with your classes. The trip to the museum was the frosting on the cake.......SO much fun, and So many photo opportunities to be had there. (I did NOT venture too close to the carriage barn, thank you for looking out for me). Please keep me posted on any other classes that you will be offering. Next step for me...light room at some point...Watch out! Again, many thanks,

Gina Campbell, commenting on a small group shoot at the South County Museum

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