You just never know. I was out and about doing some photographs for my book “Seen At The Sea Wall,” when I notice four pretty URI coeds enjoying the sunshine on Narragansett Beach. How could i not? I asked, “Girls, can I take your picture for my book?” and they responded in unison, “Sure, why not?”
I always have the camera ready, all set for action shots, as you never know. I had seen one of the ladies taking a picture of herself so I said, “ Can you do that again?” meaning, can you strike that pose again. She said, “Sure, why not?" and a second pretty lady grabbed her cell phone and struck the same pose, creating simultaneous self-portraits. A chorus line of pretty young women taking pictures of their pretty faces.
And I was ready. My Nikon D300 was set on Aperture Priority at f/16 at 1/800 of a second at ISO 800. Although I really didn’t need a high ISO in the middle of the day, I do like to know that the picture will be sharp and clear, and in focus when I must be quick with the camera. A setting like this does the job. You can see more of my Sea Wall shots here: