As I continue to meet and photograph people on both sides of this project, I am beginning to really appreciate the hunger crisis. It is real, and deserves our attention.
I saw the giving and receiving again yesterday. First, I photographed the Master Gardeners at East Farm as they harvested their plants. These veggies are destined for Jonnycake’s Food Pantry and elsewhere, fresh produce that eventually winds up on someone’s dining room table.
Pictured here are Master Gardeners Colleen, Liz, Sally, Martha, Sue, Judy, Pam, Karen and Pat and also two teen volunteers at the pantry, Portia and Yasmin. These volunteers are all making a difference. I also photographed a few of the folks who are on the receiving end of this food. They will be serving it up to their families tonight and throughout the week. They are glad to have it.
This continues to be an eye-opening experience for me. There is a real need. This is a Rhode Island and nationwide crisis. Click to enlarge the thumbnails, and please share this post on your Facebook and Twitter pages.