It s always packed at the end of the month. The money is mostly gone and folks are hungry. I've noticed many of the regulars have begun to trust me, often ask me to take another photo so they can give it to a friend or relative. I did one yesterday for Servio on his bike. He is going to give it to his grandson. Many of my subjects are not just faces. I know many names now, and some fragments of the stories that go with the faces.
Andy approached me in the hall. His pants were falling down. He asked me for scissors so he could make another button hole in his waist band. I did not have any but told him I would put out a request for 32 waist Bermuda shorts. It's sad, simple things like scissors, or shorts that fit, and/or a thousand other little things are not easy when you live in a shelter. This is the way it is.
Servio is sending this one to this granddson.
Andy needs size 32 waist shirts.